The year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of our Clean Water Act. Now, more than ever, this legislation is at risk. On Monday, October 3rd, at 10:00am ET, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case called Sackett v. EPA to decide what waters can and cannot be protected by the Clean Water Act. If the polluting industries and opponents of clean water get what they’ve asked for in the case, it would eliminate long-standing safeguards for wetlands that help protect our communities from flooding and streams that supply our drinking water.
The Supreme Court will be live-streaming the oral argument in the Sackett case. A link to the live audio feed will be available on the homepage of the Court's website, and an audio recording and a transcript of the oral argument will be available on the Court’s website later that day. The Clean Water for All Coalition will be hosting a “Protect our Waters” rally outside the Supreme Court also starting at 10:00am ET on Monday, October 3rd. There will also be a livestream of the rally at bit.ly/CWA_Rally.
On Monday, from 12pm-2pm, the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) and the Clean Water for All Coalition are encouraging organizations, individuals, and communities to each post a picture related to protecting our waters with a call for strong clean water protections with tags #protectourwaters and #protectcleanwater. This could be anything from a drinking glass to a river. Join us and take action NOW by showing our community's support for increasing water protections. Download your social media package below for examples on showing your support.
Thank You,
The Clinch Coalition